Right now, all of the millions things that I should be doing instead of updating my family blog are being put aside! I'm not sure why I chose today to do this, or why I feel it is important in this minute, but for some reason my fingers typed in my blog web address and I just started typing... So, since my last post was in January, I thought this post should be a recap of the past eight months!
I've been insanely busy balancing (okay trying to balance) being a wife, mother, employee, YW Pres., friend, and individual. Some days I feel like I fail miserably at half of those roles, but I'm striving to be better at accepting that I can't give 100% of my time and energy to everything! I been to Lake Powell twice this summer with my family. I'll be honest and say that I spent most of the time reading a book in the shade with a coke and some treats...and it was glorious! I'm trying to decorate our house, because I never really have until this point! I HATE doing it, but I'm liking the results. I keep setting goals to start working out or playing soccer again, get better at photography and sewing, learn to cook some new and healthy recipes, and finally scrapbook all of Violet's pictures, but for now...well for now I'm just updating my blog!
What can I say for my hubby?! He is the best Daddy on the planet, works hard for his family, and still manages to save some for weekend dates with me and couple of rounds of golf each week. I call him "my 3rd Counselor" because he helps me so much with my calling. He is dying for the two of us to go on vacation this fall somewhere fun, so hopefully we can make that happen!
We are smitten with this little one! The past few months have been especially trying though, as we are trying to work through her "eating disorder" that the doctors have diagnosed her with. So far, we haven't found any cause, we just know that she isn't interested in eating. At 20 months, she only weighs 18 pounds. However, she is FULL of personality! The past week or so have been especially entertaining because she talks more and more everyday. She also had a great time in Lake Powell because she loves being around other kids and doing all the water activities. She has gone golfing with Bret and I a few times this summer and is starting to catch on! She is growing up too fast, but we are loving every minute of it!
I have to apologize for not tracking your family blogs and staying in touch. I do check them now-and-again, even if I don't leave comments! I also make this promise, I'll TRY to post on our blog more often than every eight months, but guarantees!